-Routine Test & Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for the switch panels, electrical control panel and high voltage cut-off switch. The customer group includes EGAT, PEA, MEA and leading private companies.
-Serving as a network electrical testing unit officer It is in charge of testing goods in accordance with relevant international standards as well as the norms set forth by the Electricity Authority. It has the Provincial Electricity Authority's accreditation.
-Test items in accordance with both international and Electricity Authority requirements.
-The completion of several tasks within the allotted time is controlled.
-Analyze nonconforming goods to identify the issue and a fix.
-Gather and address consumer grievances, arrange and schedule meetings to identify root causes, resolve issues, and stop them from happening again.
-Carry out activities as assigned by the company, 5S, KAIZEN, Energy Saving, etc.
มีนาคม 2564 ถึง มิถุนายน 2564
Internship - Assistant Engineer
130/153 Moo 6, Ban Suan Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chonburi Province 20000
-Electrical system installation work inside and outside the building
-Electrical system maintenance work
-Practice skills to develop knowledge of engineers.
-High-voltage electrical work, transformers.
-Preventative maintenance tasks include measuring ground values, lightning rods, transformers, and thermoscans.
-Other work such as extension work, pipe work